Four PhD projects in Experimental and Theoretical Nanophotonics

At the Department of Photonics Engineering of the Technical University of Denmark, we have four open PhD positions in Nanophotonics. The projects are part of the Centre of Excellence NATEC (“NAnophotonics for TErabit Communications”).

With the present call we wish to expand our activities within the following topics:

  • Fabrication and basic characterization of novel nanophotonic structures with electrical control
  • Experimental investigations of novel types of nanolasers, e.g. quantum dot lasers based on Fano resonances
  • Experimental investigations of ultrafast dynamics and pulse propagation in active photonic crystal structures with quantum dots
  • Theory of superradiance and quantum noise in few-emitter lasers

More information and a link to apply online can be found here.  The application deadline is April 1st, 2016.