The goal of the Quantum Information on a Chip Workshop is to develop a roadmap of the evolution and potential breakthroughs in the area of quantum information on a chip for the coming years. Open to international contributions the workshop was held in Padova, Italy. The idea is to identify the most promising area of technology where quantum phenomena are expected to play an important role for various applications. The workshop involved up to 50 researchers from most of the active groups in the USA and Europe working in the area of quantum information and nanophotonics. The workshop opens up new directions for research that will leverage out the infrastructure in the area of nanophotonic integration that has been put in place over the last 5-10 years. It involves a few plenary talks (30 min) to set up the stage of the workshop followed by brief (15 min) presentations of the remaining participants on various topics of their current research in the field. The program is to allot for some key talks in the area of quantum communication, quantum imaging, quantum sensing and quantum computing. The key part of the workshop is centered on breakaway sessions to discuss anticipated progress in the areas of quantum communication, sensing, imaging, and computing. Also, breakaway sessions are focused on required technology advances in single photon sources, integration, atoms/ions-on-a-chip, quantum-dot on-a- chip, and color-centers on-a-chip. A final joint session summarizes the results from the different breakout teams and establishes a roadmap for future basic and applied research directions to advance integration of quantum technology meeting the needs of various applications. Here you can find the final program Quantum-Information-on-a-Chip-Workshop-Padova-2015