The Kick-off Workshop organised in Belgrade on April 9-10, 2015, represents the first scientific event of the Action and it is the occasion to present the research activities of its members, consolidate working groups (WG) and discuss future plans. For more details please download the programme. NQO-KW-program-printing. The Kick-off Workshop will be followed by several other networking events, which will take place in the next four years. These include WG meetings, training schools, conferences and exchange visits. The Kick-off Workshop features invited and contributed talks and poster presentations, structured in one session for Guest Speakers, four WG sessions, each introduced by WG Leaders, one session dedicated to the Industry, Education and Training and a poster session. Furthermore, it will provide a general introduction to the COST system and to the Action objectives.
NQO-KW-Book-of-Abstracts will provide an excellent overview of the activities and the state-of-the-art in COST Action NQO.