Category: Jobs
Postdoctoral research associate position at QET Labs in Bristol
In the Quantum Dot group at QET Labs (Quantum Engineering Technology Labs) in Bristol, we have a new opening for a postdoctoral researcher working on efficient quantum dot single photon […]
Lectureship in Advanced Photonics at King’s College London
The Department of Physics is seeking to appoint a Lecturer in Advanced Photonics to undertake internationally leading research in the area of optics and photonic technologies and take a lead […]
Postdoc position at the University of Warwick, UK
Applications are invited for one Postdoctoral Research Assistant to study mechanisms of energy transport in multi-chromophore systems in the quantum information science group of Dr. Animesh Datta. Further details about […]
Grenoble doctoral programmes for Quantum Engineering
We invite outstanding students to join our doctoral programmes, training the next generation of quantum engineers: The GreQue doctoral programme is Marie Slodowska Curie Action supported by the European Union. It […]
The International Max Planck Research School for Quantum Science and Technology is opening new PhD positions in fall 2017
The IMPRS-QST, based in Munich, is a joint program of the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München and the Technical University of Munich.We welcome talented and motivated […]
PostDoc position in Computational Photonics at Humboldt University of Berlin
The position is at the the Humboldt University of Berlin within the Theoretical Optics & Photonics group ( Application deadline: March 7th 2017. Please find more information at
Postdoc in Metamaterials for Nanoscale Quantum Optics
The Structured Electromagnetic Materials group in the Department of Photonics Engineering at the Technical University of Denmark is seeking candidates for a theoretical postdoc position in the field of Nanoscale […]
Postdoctoral position in nanoscale quantum sensing with single spins, Basel University
The quantum-sensing group at the University of Basel is looking for outstanding candidates for a postdoctoral researcher position to join our ongoing experiments on Quantum sensing and magnetometry of strongly […]
Tenure track group leader Nanophotonics at AMOLF, Amsterdam
The research institute AMOLF (Amsterdam, the Netherlands) is looking for a tenure-track group leader in the field of Nanophotonics, with emphasis on the fundamental physics aspects of optical interactions at […]